What You Need to Know About Selecting the Right Garage ...

Author: Ruby

Jan. 06, 2025

What You Need to Know About Selecting the Right Garage ...

78 percent of homeowners in the US have a garage. If you are one of these homeowners, you might spend time figuring out how to organize your garage, make it useful, and maybe even set up a home workshop. But have you ever stopped to consider the drainage in your garage?

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This often overlooked aspect of your home can have major consequences. Taking care of your drainage with a garage drain can prevent serious damage to your home and belongings. Let&#;s take a look at what you need to know when selecting a garage trench drain.



How Does Water Get Into a Garage?


A garage can be a busy place. Vehicles and people are entering and exiting during a variety of different situations. In addition, the garage door presents a large, open entryway to the outdoors. This opportunity for activity also presents an opportunity for water to enter.

One major way in which water gets in is through entering cars. Any water that was on your car when it entered will inevitably drip off and onto your garage floor. Just imagine what your garage floor looks like after you drive in during a storm.

Another major way in which water can enter is by simply being washed in. Whenever you leave the garage door open, water has a chance to enter. Even when closed, if enough water is outside, it can leak in through the gap between the garage door and the pavement.

These problems are even worse in locations where the garage door faces a negative slope. In these situations, water is being directly pooled toward the garage and it is inevitable that it will find its way in.

Water can also get in through random spills and mistakes. A leaking pipe, broken faucet, or even just a spilled bucket of water all present potential problems.

Why You Need a Garage Drain


While the water entering a garage may seem harmless, it can quickly become a problem. Pooling water can be both an immediate hazard and a long-term risk.

One immediate hazard is the potential for slips and falls. Pooled water can be slick, especially when mixed with the oils that are usually present in a garage. Plus, the concrete in a garage is not a surface you want to fall onto.

A more long-term hazard comes from pets. Mosquitoes love to breed in still bodies of water. So, an area without proper drainage is perfect for them.

There are even hazards that present long-term and immediate damage. Moisture can slowly allow mold to grow on whatever you are storing in the garage. In addition, heavy rain could allow in water that can be just as damaging to your stored possessions.

Depending on the slope of your garage, the water could even flow towards the foundation. This can cause disastrous damage to the structure of your house.

This is why proper drainage is critical in any garage. It controls the water that might collect and flow within your garage, preventing many potential issues.

A good drain can even prevent dirt from building up. You can even wash your garage floor or clean up spills without leaving behind large amounts of water and cleaning fluids. A garage drain is an easy way to prevent these problems.

Types of Garage Drains


In general, there are two types of garage drains to consider: trench drains and square or round drains. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Square or round drains are pretty simple. These types of drains are generally a single drain located at a fixed point in the room. Like the drain in a bathtub, they simply remove all of the water that they can.

The main advantage of using square or round drains is that they are relatively cheap and easy to install. They also take less time to install.

However, square and round drains also have their drawbacks. Their simplicity and small size limit what they can do. After all, a small drain can only really take care of small amounts of water.

Trench drains are more robust and, in some situations, may be the better option. These drains feature linear channels with a grate over the top. They are very effective in directing large amounts of water flow out of your garage.

Trench drains can also be used to form a trench drain system. This allows you to directly protect specific areas in order to have maximum control of your garage&#;s water problems.

For many homeowners and business owners with garages, a garage trench drain can be a better way to ensure adequate drainage on their property.

Types of Trench Drains


You can choose from a few types of trench drain systems, characterized by how they are formed and installed. The most common types are pre-formed and cast-in-place drains. Each type of drain offers its own unique benefits and is better suited for certain applications.

Pre-formed drains are manufactured offsite at a factory. They can be made from several different materials. These include high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polymer concrete, fiberglass, fiber reinforced concrete, and stainless steel.

The variety of materials available makes it easy to choose a material that best meets the application. In addition, these types of drains can be made to order, which can be particularly helpful if you need a certain size or shape.

When one of these drains is set to be installed, a trench is dug where it will go. Then, the pre-formed drain is installed into the channel.

On the other hand, installers create cast-in-place trench drains on site. The installer creates a U-channel and installs forms. Then, concrete is poured into the form.

Sometimes the frames are removed. Other times they are left in place.

Unfortunately, pre-formed drains often become costly and more difficult to transport due to their size. It is often necessary to include joints within the drains in order to reduce them to a transportable size.

On the other hand, cast-in-place drains are often more affordable to install and transport. However, they require clear weather in order to install and cure the concrete used for the channels.

Choosing the Correct Size


Trench drains are available in a variety of widths ranging from three inches to 12 inches. Most residential and driveway drains use five or six-inch wide drains. Eight and 12 inch-wide drains can be useful if you need your drain to handle a higher amount of water.

In general, most residential garage trench drains should be between five and 12 inches wide. Commercial and heavy-duty garages may necessitate larger drains, such as eight or more inches wide.

Ultimately, the exact specifications used on a project will vary based on the project&#;s needs. If the garage has serious water problems or needs to drain a large amount of water, a wider drain may be necessary.


Trench Drain Materials


Cast-in-place trench drains are only available in concrete. However, you can choose preformed drains in a variety of other materials. It&#;s important to consider your application before choosing a material for the channel of your trench drain.

Polymer concrete and fiber reinforced concrete drains are some of the strongest types of trench drains you can choose. Not only are they durable enough to withstand freeze-thaw cycles, but they won&#;t break down due to most elements.

This strength comes from the use of thermoplastic polymers and a resin binding agent, as opposed to the traditional lime-type cement binder. The result is a higher tensile and compressive strength than standard concrete.

Concrete drains can also be installed on many other materials, including concrete, brick pavers, and asphalt. This makes concrete trench drains a good option for anyone considering installing a garage trench drain.

Many others opt for high-density polyethylene (HDPE) drains. This material is one of the most used types of plastics in the world. Just like concrete, this material can stand up to extreme temperatures and doesn&#;t corrode. In fact, HDPE drains have a service life of 10 to 20 years.

HDPE also offers the benefit of a smooth interior, which allows efficient transport of water and prevents bacterial buildup. The flexibility of the materials allows them to bend to the required shape, making the installation process less intensive and much easier.

HDPE drains are also cost-effective since they have lower manufacturing costs. Their lightweight nature also means transportation costs are often reduced.


Other Factors to Consider


While the size and materials are basic considerations that every trench drain installation will need to address, there are also other factors to consider.

Depending on the amount of excess water your channel may need to handle, you might want to consider a sloped channel layout. Most trench drains have the same, regular depth for their entire length. This maintains consistent drainage and is simple to install.

Regular depth drains are suitable for many applications, particularly for many garage drains. If your garage has trouble with excess water, especially if it has a negative slope, you may want to consider a drain with built-in falls.

Built-in falls allow larger amounts of water to flow easily. The natural slope of these drains uses the power of gravity to funnel more water more quickly. This option does add more cost and work to the project, but may be helpful for larger projects.

Trench drains work well on their own for keeping your garage clean and dry. However, you may want to consider extending your trench drain system in order to funnel water from other parts of your property.

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A well-planned system could gather water from your garage, walkways, and driveway and funnel it out at one out-flow spot. Installing multiple drain points at once could help you develop a more efficient drainage plan, rather than piece-mealing it together over time.


Choosing a Trench Grate


Another critical part of a garage trench drain is the trench grate. The grate is what allows movement over the drain and prevents you from having a half-foot wide gap in your garage floor. You&#;ll want to pay particular attention to the grate to choose one that meets your needs.

Like drain channels, drain grates can be made of a number of materials. Plastic and HDPE grates allow for lightweight grates that are easy to remove and clean. They also tend to be relatively cost-effective.

Cast iron, stainless steel, and other metals are also options. Many plants and breweries opt for non-corrosive materials, while aluminum and bronze grates are often chosen for more aesthetic uses. You can also use these materials in your garage drain, depending on your needs.

There are also special add-ons that can be helpful. ADA-compliant grates can allow better ease of movement due to their smaller slots. This can be a very useful option if you or a loved one have mobility needs.

Slip-proof grates may also be helpful in a garage to prevent dangerous slips while in the area. In addition, some people choose bolted drain grates, which are bolted to the frame, to provide extra stability.


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Select the Best Garage Trench Drain


A garage trench drain is an ideal way to ensure efficient drainage of water from your garage and surrounding areas. But, you need to carefully consider the application when selecting a trench drain. Doing so will allow you to get the most bang for your buck out of your new drain.

Request a quote from Swiftdrain to start taking care of your garage drainage problems.


Learn more about our 5&#; wide garage trench drain system.


Choosing the right loading class for your channel drain ...

Channel Drain Loading Requirements

The loading requirement of a channel drain refers to the amount of weight it can safely support. This is, arguably, the most important factor to consider for both durability and safety reasons; you don't want to install a channel drain that will collapse under the weight of a vehicle or pedestrian.

Fortunately, channel drains are classified by their loading requirements, with A15 being the lightest and F900 being the heaviest, making it a little easier to find the right one. The trick is in knowing which requirement best suits your needs. To help with this, check out the table below, which shows a brief description of the different loading requirements and their typical applications:

  Load Class Max Weight Load (Tonnes) Typical Applications A15 Load Class 1.5 Lightly trafficked pedestrian-only areas, patios, and gardens. B125 Load Class 12.5 Heavily trafficked pedestrian areas, such as public footpaths, and lightly trafficked vehicle areas, such as areas with slow-moving traffic and domestic driveways. C230 Load Class 25 Commercial areas, such as supermarkets and retail parks, small private car parks, and lightly trafficked roads. D400 Load Class 40 Heavily trafficked vehicle areas, such as carriageways of main roads, highways, and public car parks. E600 Load Class 60 High wheel load areas, such as forklift loading bays, cargo handling yards, and airfield pavements. F900 Load Class 90 Heavy-duty Industrial areas, such as docks and airport taxiways/runways.   Load Class Max Weight Load (Tonnes) Typical Applications A15 Load Class 1.5 Lightly trafficked pedestrian-only areas, patios, and gardens. B125 Load Class 12.5 Heavily trafficked pedestrian areas, such as public footpaths, and lightly trafficked vehicle areas, such as areas with slow-moving traffic and domestic driveways. C230 Load Class 25 Commercial areas, such as supermarkets and retail parks, small private car parks, and lightly trafficked roads. D400 Load Class 40 Heavily trafficked vehicle areas, such as carriageways of main roads, highways, and public car parks. E600 Load Class 60 High wheel load areas, such as forklift loading bays, cargo handling yards, and airfield pavements. F900 Load Class 90 Heavy-duty Industrial areas, such as docks and airport taxiways/runways.

So, how do you know which loading requirement is right for your needs? Well, it is important to consider the following when trying to answer that question:

  • What type of traffic will be using the channel drain? - If it will be used by pedestrians and bicycles, then an A15 drain will be sufficient. However, if it will be used by vehicles, then you'll need a channel drain that can handle at least B125 loading.
  • What is the size and weight of the vehicles that will drive over or park on top of the channel drain? - If there is even the slightest possibility that you have heavy vehicles present, then you'll want a channel drain with a higher loading capacity.
  • What is the intended location of the channel drain? - B125 and C250 are suitable for light and medium vehicle traffic areas, but if the channel drain is to be located in a high-traffic area, then you'll need a drain with a higher loading capacity.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when considering which channel drain loading requirement will best suit your project:

  • Over-engineering is always better than under-engineering. - If you're not sure which loading requirement to choose, it's always best to choose a higher one.
  • Check with your local building codes. - Some codes may require you to use a channel drain with a specific loading requirement.
  • Get professional advice. - If you're still not sure which loading requirement to choose, it's always best to consult with a professional engineer.

By following the above tips and advice, you should be able to choose the right channel drain loading requirements for your needs and ensure that your drain is safe and reliable. If you are still unsure, this next section might help as we match up the loading requirements with the most common applications.

Channel Drain Applications

Linear channel drainage is a popular choice for a variety of applications, including:

  • Patio Drainage - channel drainage can be used in patio areas to collect rainwater and prevent it from flooding the area.
  • Footpath Drainage - channel drainage can also be used in paths to collect rainwater and prevent it from causing slips and falls.
  • Driveway Drainage - channel drainage can also be used in driveways to prevent water from damaging the pavement.
  • Car Park Drainage - channel drainage is often used in car parks to collect rainwater and prevent it from pooling.

But how do you know which channel drain is right for each type of application? The easiest way to answer this is to first decide if you need channel drainage for a Domestic (light-duty), Commercial (medium-duty), Industrial (heavy-duty), or Specialised application.

Domestic Channel Drain Applications

The first type of loading application for linear channel drainage is Domestic or light-duty. These are channel drainage systems that are commonly used in residential applications where foot traffic or occasional light vehicular traffic is expected. This means that the system is designed to withstand pedestrian-only traffic or light vehicular traffic, such as bicycles, mopeds, motorbikes, and cars, in areas such as backyards, pedestrian walkways, and driveways. Light-duty systems are generally less expensive, but their use needs careful consideration. A light-duty channel drain will be recommended for use in most driveways. However, if you frequently park a larger vehicle, such as a van or motorhome, on your driveway, a light-duty channel drain may not have suitable loadbearing qualities. This is why it is important to match the application with the most suitable loading requirement. Here is a list of typical light-duty channel drain applications, along with their recommended loading requirements:

Pedestrian/Landscape Drainage Loading

Landscape drainage loading is another common linear channel drainage application which involves directing rainwater from landscape areas, such as gardens, parks, and sports fields. It's a crucial part of garden maintenance as it prevents soil erosion and potential moisture damage to the foundations of surrounding buildings.

Driveway Drainage Loading

One of the most popular loading applications of linear channel drainage is for domestic driveway use. Domestic driveway use typically refers to drainage systems that cater to pedestrian traffic and light vehicular use in residential areas, such as public footpaths and, unsurprisingly, driveways.

The loading requirements of light-duty channel drain applications typically range between A15 to B125, depending on the specific application. To ensure the proper drainage system is selected for your needs, however, you must evaluate the potential weight loads and the frequency of use of the area you want to install a linear channel drainage system. For any light-duty applications, the general rule of thumb should be:

  • Light pedestrian/foot traffic only (maximum 1.5 tonnes and under) = A15 class channel drain will be suitable. This includes:
    • Gardens and lawns
    • Patios and decking
    • Pedestrian areas
    • Cycleways
  • Heavy pedestrian and/or light vehicle traffic (maximum 12.5 tonnes and under) = B125 class channel drain is needed. This includes:
    • Frequently trafficked driveways
    • Pedestrian areas in small private car parks
    • Public footpaths and cycleways

For more about channel drainage use in driveway applications, check out our separate article, &#;Most common drainage problems on your driveway&#;.

If you think there is even the slightest chance that a vehicle may need to drive over or park on top of the area where the channel drain will be installed at any time, now or in the future, it is probably worth considering a B125 class channel drain just to be safe. Equally, while B125 will be more than suitable for the vast majority of light-duty applications, if you know that heavier vehicles will need access to the area on a regular basis, such as delivery vehicles and garbage trucks, then upgrading to a C250 or D400 class channel drain might be required to prevent the channel drain from becoming damaged.

Commercial Channel Drain Applications

The second type of loading application for linear channel drainage is Commercial or medium-duty. This means that the system is designed to withstand heavier vehicular traffic, such as cars and trucks, as can be expected in commercial or transportation areas. These systems are generally more expensive than light-duty systems but are necessary for areas such as supermarkets, car parks, main roads, and motorways.

Road & Car Park Drainage Loading

For commercial and retail loading applications, the required drainage system must meet the higher demands of the environment while offering suitable drainage solutions. A combination of heavy foot traffic, medium vehicle traffic, and heavy equipment means that the installed channel drainage needs to be more robust. Channel drainage that can withstand up to 25 tonnes is usually recommended.

Highways & Traffic Area Drainage Loading

Highway drainage is pivotal in ensuring transport safety. Whether for a busy main road or heavily used car park, linear channel drain can be used to prevent localised flooding, which can otherwise cause accidents or delays. Susceptible to high-frequency, heavy vehicle traffic, the loading requirements for these applications are substantial. Channel drainage that can withstand up to 40 tonnes is usually recommended.

Public Safety Drainage Loading

The foremost objective of public safety is to prevent accidents, particularly in areas with heavy footfall. Public safety drainage loading refers to the load class requirements of drainage systems used to prevent the accumulation of water in public areas. These are areas that can also be subject to vehicle access for maintenance and upkeep, etc. This means that the loading requirements will be higher than most domestic applications. Channel drainage that can withstand up to 25 tonnes is usually recommended.

The loading requirements of medium-duty channel drain applications typically range between C250 and D400, depending on the specific application. Again, to ensure the proper drainage system is selected for your needs, you must evaluate the potential weight loads and the frequency of use in the area you want to install a linear channel drainage system. It isn&#;t just pedestrian and vehicle loads you need to consider, either. You may think that a supermarket should only need a B125 channel drainage, at most, because there is only pedestrian traffic to worry about. However, you would be ignoring the fact that there are often trollies, cages, or pallets full of heavy products that need to be moved around the retail area too. You have to try and predict the heaviest possible weight the channel drain might be exposed to in the desired area and base your loading choice on that. For any medium-duty applications, the general rule of thumb should be:

  • Heavy foot traffic, medium vehicle or equipment traffic (maximum 25 tonnes and under) = C250 class channel drain will be needed as a minimum. This includes:
    • Pavements, & pedestrian zones (with frequent vehicle access)
    • Entrances
    • Retail Areas
    • Office Blocks
    • Supermarkets
    • Public Car Parks
    • Healthcare Facilities
    • Park & Ride Schemes
    • Multi-Level & Basement Parking
  • &#; Heavy and or/high-frequency vehicle traffic (maximum 40 tonnes and under) = D400 class channel drain is needed. This includes:
    • Highways/Main roads
    • Heavy vehicle parking
    • Supermarket car parks
    • Factories

For more about channel drainage use in car park applications, check out our separate article, &#;The best drainage channels for car parks&#;.

Industrial/Heavy-Duty Channel Drain Applications

The third type of loading application for linear channel drainage is Industrial or heavy-duty. This means that the system is designed to handle significant traffic loads, including extremely heavy vehicles, for industrial and commercial applications. These drains are commonly used in areas such as truck depots, airports, freight terminals, and industrial facilities. Heavy-duty systems are the most expensive and require professional installation, maintenance, and repair.

Industrial Drainage Loading

Industrial drainage channels are able to withstand loading applications up to 60 tonnes. They are designed for use in high-traffic, heavy-wheel-load areas, such as warehouses and distribution centres that use forklift trucks and delivery wagons, etc.

Heavy-Duty Drainage Loading

Heavy-duty drainage channels are the strongest available, with the ability to withstand weight-loading applications up to 90 tonnes. They are typically recommended for dock and airport drainage as they are designed for use in areas that impose heavy wheel loads or where extremely heavy vehicles can reach top speeds.

The loading requirements of heavy-duty channel drain applications typically range between E600 and F900, depending on the specific application. Again, to ensure the proper drainage system is selected for your needs, you must evaluate the potential weight loads and the frequency of use in the area you want to install a linear channel drainage system. For any heavy-duty applications, the general rule of thumb should be:

  • High traffic, heavy wheel load industrial areas (maximum 60 tonnes and under) = E600 class channel drain will be required. This includes:
    • Fire Stations
    • Water Treatment Works
    • Service Yards & Stock Yards
    • Bio-Gas & Recycling Facilities
    • Bus Terminals & Coach Parks
    • Service Stations & Truck Stops
    • Warehouses & Industrial Areas
    • Logistics & Distribution Centres

For more about channel drainage use in these applications, check out our separate article, &#;Drainage for Docks, Warehouses and Distribution Centres&#;.

  • Extremely heavy, high-intensity wheel loads (up to 90 tonnes) = F900 class channel drain is needed. This includes:
    • Airports
    • Military bases
    • Oil & gas terminals
    • Transport infrastructure
    • Industrial area infrastructure
    • Ports, docks and container terminals

For more about channel drainage use in car park applications, check out our separate article, &#;Heavy duty channel drainage explained&#;.

Specialised Applications

In addition to standard load-bearing applications, there are specialised situations that may require specific channel drain designs. For example, some areas may experience heavy forklift traffic or the need for chemical resistance. In these cases, heavy-duty channel drains with additional reinforcement, such as fibreglass-reinforced polymers (FRP), may be necessary. Additionally, certain industries, such as food processing or pharmaceuticals, may require channel drains with hygienic features to meet specific cleanliness standards.

If you have a channel drainage application with specific requirements, make sure you seek professional advice before making your decision, as material and grating type may play as big a part as the loading requirements.

Are you interested in learning more about Frp Drain Channel? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!




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