Booster questions

Author: Daisy

Jul. 29, 2024

Booster questions

Post by kdupreez » Sat Feb 16, 6:46 pm

You will get efficient and thoughtful service from SUNCENTER.

making a stick will cost you $50-$100 max and you can suck your source tanks down all the way to zero..

And since you are not pumping higher than 40%, nothing needs to be O2 cleaned.. even the pure O2 portion is such low pressure and flow that it doesnt matter.

But - if you are truly interrested in boosters, you can read the following LOONG LOONG post to understand pumps and youe have a few options.

If you dont care, please feel free to skip the essay.. I wont be offended.

1 - Pneumatic boosters (like Haskels)

will run you anything from $2,500 up to $6,000 when bought used

These boosters rely on a low pressure drive air system, like shop compressor and depending on the model, they can pump single acting or double acting or cascaded combination of the two called double stage double acting.. they of course have Inlet and Outlet ports and port to supply drive air..

They are completely oil less and can be cleaned for oxygen boosting.

You get them in the following three configurations:

Single Stage Single Acting:

these have a single high pressure chamber with an inlet and outlet port, each using opposite facing one-way check valves to suck and blow supply gas.. It uses low compression air over a large low pressure piston to cycle the small high pressure piston. The low pressure air allows the piston to actuate once back and forth to suck gas and compress gas.

The ratio between inlet and outlet gas pressures determines the required drive air volume and pressure to actuate (boost).. the higher the ratio (i.e low source banks and high target tank) the more drive gas in volume and pressure you need..

Usually these types of boosters cant go below 300psi on the source tank.. They are usually SLOW and require LOTS of drive air.. They are OK for rebreathers and small partial pressure fill stations (home or small shop use)

Another important thing here to understand is the ratio between the size of the low pressure and high pressure pistons.. the smaller the high pressure piston, the higher the ratio and the higher PSI you can pump.. but because of the small high pressure piston, you will get much lower inlet/outlet gas volumes for the same amount of drive air..

so trade off is higher outlet gas pressure at lower outlet gas volume or higher outlet gas volume at lower outlet gas pressure..

the most common single stage singe acting for diving is the AG-30 or AG-15 and the numbers (30 or 15) defines the poston ratio.. meaning the higher the number, the higher the ratio of low pressure to high pressure pistons.. So, AG-30 pumps higher pressure than AG-15 but much slower (lower volume)

The AG-30 is psi and AG-15 is psi output pressure (I believe).. Both of these can be cleaned for oxygen..

the AG-15 is a great choice for rebreather divers since its high volume, compact system that can go ip to psi..

Single Stage, Double Acting:

They are exactly the same as above except they have 2 high pressure chambers, one on either side with the low pressure chamber in the middle, so when the low pressure piston actuates, one side sucks gas, while the other compresses gas.. hence, double acting.. they also have 2 inlets and 2 outlets and is twice as fast as single acting and using roughly the same drive gas volume. They have the same size of high pressure pistons on both sides and hence they boost same pressures as their single acting counterparts at twice the volume/speed..

everything else is the same as the single acting.. the haskel models indicate the double acting boosters with a "D" in the model..

so a AGD-30 is a Double Acting, but still only has 1 stage of high pressure (both sides pump the same outlet pressure)..

again, AGD-15 is a popular Oxygen booster, but you are still left with about 300-500psi in your source tanks..

Decent volumes and decent pressures.. they make good oxygen boosters for dive shops..

its a less than optimum choice for helium or argon since you will need LOTS of drive gas and still leave 300psi in source tank and the lower the source tank gets and the higher the target tank gets, the slower they are..

Double Stage, Double Acting:

These are the holy grail of diving boosters because they can suck source tanks down to 150psi or lower.

They are identical in design to the above, except the two high pressure pistons on either side are firstly diferent sizes (different ratios) and secondly they are cascaded.. meaning the outlet of the one side feeds into the inlet of the other side.. so you get compounded compression!!

So the first stage on the one side will suck in source gas at lets say 300psi, then compress it up to lets say 600psi and feed it into the second stage on the other side that will suck that 600psi in and compress it even further to for example 900psi..

so, with a SINGLE stroke of the piston, you can pump 300psi up to 900psi (fictitious numbers to make the point), where both the other designs will take multiple actuations to reach that pressure..

These are as fast as single acting, but they produce much higher ratios of compression with the same amount of drive gas..

the model numbers indicate double acting with a "T" in the model and they include both the ratios of both sides..

for example an AGT-15/30 has a ratio of 15 on the one side and a ratio of 30 on the other side..

These are awesome boosters and are pretty darn efficient and uses much less drive air and can salvage source tanks of expensive helium down to 150psi!!

they can also be oxygen cleaned..

AGT-15/30 are the most sought after boosters in the diving world.. good luck finding one thats O2 cleaned

you can also look at AGT-30/75 and they can boost up to 20,000psi, but use lots of drive air and slower.. (remember higher ratios = higher pressures, but slower).

2. Finally.. the ULTIMATE in diving boosters are electric boosters!

these are essentially the exact same as a regular scuba compressor, except they are missing the first stages.. the accept 150psi (supplied by internal regulator) and then compress it up to psi with two stages of standard electric compressor technologies..

they are also oil less and can be oxygen cleaned.. they dont take any drive air since they are electric, they are pretty quiet and they are freegin damn fast and very efficient..

Masterline here in Washington makes them and they are around $8,000 a piece.. and good luck finding a used one.. I've tried for the past 5 years and have yet to find one..

So - there you have it. probably more you wanted to know..

I agree with Richard. You should look into Continious blending before bying a booster if the only thing you want to do is pump Nitrox.making a stick will cost you $50-$100 max and you can suck your source tanks down all the way to zero..And since you are not pumping higher than 40%, nothing needs to be O2 cleaned.. even the pure O2 portion is such low pressure and flow that it doesnt matter.But - if you are truly interrested in boosters, you can read the followingpost to understand pumps and youe have a few options.If you dont care, please feel free to skip the essay.. I wont be offended.will run you anything from $2,500 up to $6,000 when bought usedThese boosters rely on a low pressure drive air system, like shop compressor and depending on the model, they can pump single acting or double acting or cascaded combination of the two called double stage double acting.. they of course have Inlet and Outlet ports and port to supply drive air..They are completely oil less and can be cleaned for oxygen boosting.You get them in the following three configurations:these have a single high pressure chamber with an inlet and outlet port, each using opposite facing one-way check valves to suck and blow supply gas.. It uses low compression air over a large low pressure piston to cycle the small high pressure piston. The low pressure air allows the piston to actuate once back and forth to suck gas and compress gas.The ratio between inlet and outlet gas pressures determines the required drive air volume and pressure to actuate (boost).. the higher the ratio (i.e low source banks and high target tank) the more drive gas in volume and pressure you need..Usually these types of boosters cant go below 300psi on the source tank.. They are usually SLOW and require LOTS of drive air..Another important thing here to understand is the ratio between the size of the low pressure and high pressure pistons.. the smaller the high pressure piston, the higher the ratio and the higher PSI you can pump.. but because of the small high pressure piston, you will get much lower inlet/outlet gas volumes for the same amount of drive trade off is higher outlet gas pressure at lower outlet gas volume or higher outlet gas volume at lower outlet gas pressure..the most common single stage singe acting for diving is the AG-30 or AG-15 and the numbers (30 or 15) defines the poston ratio.. meaning the higher the number, the higher the ratio of low pressure to high pressure pistons.. So, AG-30 pumps higher pressure than AG-15 but much slower (lower volume)The AG-30 is psi and AG-15 is psi output pressure (I believe).. Both of these can be cleaned for oxygen..the AG-15 is a great choice for rebreather divers since its high volume, compact system that can go ip to psi..They are exactly the same as above except they have 2 high pressure chambers, one on either side with the low pressure chamber in the middle, so when the low pressure piston actuates, one side sucks gas, while the other compresses gas.. hence, double acting.. they also have 2 inlets and 2 outlets and isas fast as single acting and using roughly the same drive gas volume. They have the same size of high pressure pistons on both sides and hence they boost same pressures as their single acting counterparts at twice the volume/speed..everything else is the same as the single acting.. the haskel models indicate the double acting boosters with a "D" in the a AGD-30 is a Double Acting, but still only has 1 stage of high pressure (both sides pump the same outlet pressure)..again, AGD-15 is a popular Oxygen booster, but you are still left with about 300-500psi in your source tanks..Decent volumes and decent pressures..and the lower the source tank gets and the higher the target tank gets, the slower they are..These are the holy grail of diving boosters because they can suck source tanks down to 150psi or lower.They are identical in design to the above, except the two high pressure pistons on either side are firstly diferent sizes (different ratios) and secondly they are cascaded.. meaning the outlet of the one side feeds into the inlet of the other side.. so you get compounded compression!!So the first stage on the one side will suck in source gas at lets say 300psi, then compress it up to lets say 600psi and feed it into the second stage on the other side that will suck that 600psi in and compress it even further to for example, with a SINGLE stroke of the piston, you can pump 300psi up to 900psi (fictitious numbers to make the point), where both the other designs will take multiple actuations to reach that pressure..These are as fast as single acting, but they produce much higher ratios of compression with the same amount of drive gas..the model numbers indicate double acting with a "T" in the model and they include both the ratios of both sides..for example an AGT-15/30 has a ratio of 15 on the one side and a ratio of 30 on the other side..they can also be oxygen cleaned..AGT-15/30 are the most sought after boosters in the diving world.. good luck finding one thats O2 cleanedyou can also look at AGT-30/75 and they can boost up to 20,000psi, but use lots of drive air and slower.. (remember higher ratios = higher pressures, but slower).these are essentially the exact same as a regular scuba compressor, except they are missing the first stages.. the accept 150psi (supplied by internal regulator) and then compress it up to psi with two stages of standard electric compressor technologies..they are also oil less and can be oxygen cleaned.. they dont take any drive air since they are electric, they are pretty quiet and they are freegin damn fast and very efficient..Masterline here in Washington makes them and they are around $8,000 a piece.. and good luck finding a used one.. I've tried for the past 5 years and have yet to find one..So - there you have it. probably more you wanted to know..

Gas Booster Selection

The answers to the following questions will provide the parameters for the selection of any gas booster or ProPak booster system.

1. What is the maximum pressure to be attained?

You need to know the pressure that the system will have to reach, either now or sometime in the future. This does not need to be the usual working pressure, but the maximum pressure ever needed.

2. What is the required flow rate?

You need to know the required flow rate at the required discharge pressure. This is not the flow rate at the maximum pressure, but the flow rate at the working pressure. Remember that every booster has a maximum pressure where it will stall and produce no flow, but at any pressure less than that it will produce flow. This flow reduces in quantity as the output pressure approaches the stall pressure.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit pneumatic gas booster.

3. Is the flow rate constant?

Do you have a process application where you need a constant flow at a constant pressure? If so, then this is expressed as &#;x&#; SCFM (NM3) @ &#;y&#; PSIG (Barg).

4. Is the flow rate decreasing?

Do you have an application where you are filling cylinders or some other vessel from a lower supply pressure to a higher storage pressure. To select the proper booster or booster system, you need to know the size of the vessel to be filled. This can be supplied in any form that can be converted to ACF.

5. What is the required fill time for the vessel?

It is very common to have an initial fill times that is unrealistic. Many people who are not
familiar with gases ask for fill times that will require uneconomic systems. Therefore it is important to think about the longest possible fill time the application can stand.

6. What is the gas supply pressure?

The performance of any gas booster is a function of the incoming gas pressure. Simply stated: &#;any gas booster will only discharge the amount of gas it takes in&#;. The higher the inlet gas pressure, the more SCF of gas are squeezed into the gas section and
therefore the more gas discharged. Gas supply can have more than one source. Therefore it can have many combinations of flow, pressure and temperature.

7. What is the drive pressure?

This is not the initial pressure in the system first thing in the morning before all of the uses of air are operational, but rather should be the minimum that the plant experiences throughout the day. The booster may have to provide maximum performance when the drive conditions are at their worst.

8. What is the gas?

Some gases cannot be pumped with standard boosters. They may require special seals, materials of construction, venting and other considerations. This is also important when higher pressures are required in filling applications to determine the compressibility of the gas. Applications involving gas boosters will always fall into one of four categories. It is very important to clearly determine into which category a particular application fits.

a) The supply pressure is at a constant pressure (Ps) and the discharge gas is at a constant flow (Q) and pressure (Po).

b) The supply gas is from a decreasing pressure and the discharge gas is at a constant flow and pressure. It is safe to assume that the supply flow rate will decrease as the supply pressure decreases. To maintain the constant outlet flow the booster will have to increase its cycle rate.

c) The supply gas is at a constant flow and pressure and the discharge gas it at an increasing 8 pressure.. It is safe to assume that the discharge flow rate will decrease as the discharge
pressure Increases.

d) The supply gas is at a decreasing pressure and the discharge gas is at an increasing pressure. It is safe to assume that the flow rate will decrease significantly as the pressures get further apart.

Want more information on air driven pumps high pressure? Feel free to contact us.




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